Square-Soft Vs Enix between facts and rumors

Educational “facts”

Final Fantasy “XV” was in development for 4 not 7, 8 or 9 and definitely not 10 yeas. Project FF XIII-Versus was put on hold for years due to various internal reasons and factors. Later the project was handed over to Mr Tabata to rebuild the majority of the game from scratch because they had to switch engines replacing SE’s own Luminous engine with Unreal 4 to push the development process and get the job done faster. FFXV was in development for 4 full years not 10.


Sakaguchi IS NOT the creator of Final Fantasy X. he was barely even involved in the process to begin with. The FF titles were always (and still ) a work of a team not one person. Sakaguchi was one of the producers so his job was mainly focused on financial and managerial aspects of the game, and he did helped a little tiny bit with the script which is originally written by a team of three veteran writers such as, Kazushige Nojima, Daisuke Watanabe and Motomu Toriyama. Mr Kitase directed the game. not Sakaguchi. let’s give credits to the “RIGHT” people for a change.

220px-Hironobu_Sakaguchi_-_Tokyo_Game_Show_2006.jpgSakaguchi was never a good team player. he wanted “his own firm and business” so he left Square Soft (NOT Square Enix as the misleading angry fans claimed …”Enix brought the franchise down so he left” …The made up version of the story ) Sakaguchi stepped down from his position as an executive vice president to form his own studio with the financial backing of Microsoft. This event reduced Square’s financial capital which almost pushed Square “Soft” to the edge of bankruptcy, but thankfully Soft managed to find its way back and merged with its rival, “Enix Corp” which led to the creation of Square Enix that same year saving the jobs and lives of its employees and all the legendary artists and creators you loved and grew up with.Working with Enix didn’t destroy the franchise as claimed (by angry fans) it SAVED the company and the series.


Sakaguchi Didn’t bring much to the franchise (it’s in the wiki google it and you can view a list of every role he played in every game. he was a part-writer for some of the games at best) Sakaguchi has became a legend because of the angry fans made him to be. While the Lost Odyssey was a good game loved by many (me included ) due to the FFX similarity in gameplay, mechanics, feel and even story (he lost his memory to find out that he’s older than he appears to be? like another interpretation of Tidus’s story ) Mr. Fukugawa directed the Lost Odyssey not Sakaguchi, Sakaguchi was one of the two writers who worked on the script. Shigematsu (the other writer) is one of the best-selling authors in Japan, and the major theme of his novels is about “family” no one ever gave credits to him or the guy who directed the entire game (blind fanboys are blinded by the name Sakaguchi himself )

Yet, they treated  the guy as the  “hero” the ancient god of Softies. but for what exactlly? for betraying his team and being selfish? or for STEALING concepts created by the actual X-creators? what a funny ungrateful, UNFAIR community the FF franchise have and ever had.

220px-Final_Fantasy_VII_Box_Art.jpgThe artists/designers/ programmers/ writers, directors from Square Soft has NEVER left the team. Old fans misled the public by spreading false information on the web over the years. They are the exact same team who worked for Soft and still works for Enix, who worked on every Final Fantasy, Parasite Eve, SaGa and Chrono games.

36896-Final_Fantasy_Chronicles_-_Chrono_Trigger_[NTSC-U]-5.jpgBut hey, lets praise the guy who barely chipped-in in any of these beloved titles and almost brought the series and company to its knees. And don’t forget to bash the real heroes and hard workers who’s busting their butts day and night to bring you these games that you play in secret while you bash in public to fit in the new trend of wannabe-old school kinda gamers. .



Final Fantasy VII Remake is NOT in development! the game put on hold to give space to Mr. Nomura to finish Kingdom Hearts III


The first FFVII Remake Meme posted  month after the announcement three years ago

Today Mr. Tabata (which is the most hated among the old fan base )  leaves the team and the company  to work on his own personal project…tomorrow  He’s gonna be assigned/called  a  hero by those “same” angry fans, just because he left, if you leave SE then you’re automatically a god….you wait for it.

Last but not least. I’m getting tired of the copy/past memes/materials/complaints. the misleading poisonous rumors speared by angry old fans (that somehow turned into false-reality) condemning every and each Final Fantasy game ever released after FFX, or even still in the work. If you hate the Final Fantasy games and the creators behind them that much don’t bother supporting or playing their games easy. Gaming forums and groups has become rather toxic intolerant of dissenting views and contradictory opinions all thanks to them.
Hats off to the guys at SE for putting up with all the nonsense.

Can’t wait for Final Fantasy VII Remake and i’m glad it’s not gonna be a duplicate of the original, I’m excited to explore Midgar and all these characters in depth. Let’s be honest for a minute here, Cloud used to be nothing but a mute blond character,Zack was nothing but a quesiton mark, Aeirth was nothing but a victim,Sephiroth was nothing but a heartless generic villain. All thanks to Crisis Core, Nojima and Tabata who brought personality to all these characters and put VII back on the gaming map again. I don’t remember Final Fantasy VII being that popualr even back in the late 90s 🙂

18 thoughts on “Square-Soft Vs Enix between facts and rumors

  1. Pingback: Here we go | FUSE

  2. As far as I’m concerned It is perfectly legitimate for a fan to like games up to FF X and dislike what followed, and not to hate Final Fantasy altogether, as you claim. Some might like everything up to 12 and dislike only 13. Some others might love 1-6 only. Also it’s true that some people might like all games from 1 to 15.
    Anyway, I disagree with the overall tone of this blog. You even attacked the FF VII characters. 🙂 A bad day I guess.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not really, i was aiming for the majority of wannabe gamers on FB tbh, you’re never on FB or any of those SE related forums.
      And i didn’t attack any characters, i just stated a fact. Cloud and Zack, were never that popular before the release of Crisis Core there were barely few posts and blogs about the game back on GS (before Crisis Core that is )

      I don’t even remember FFVII being that popular in the 90s the majority were confused by it? yes, that was the case back in the day , try to read user/critics reviews made in the late 90s compared to the ones we got since 2007

      Nothing personal man, it’s my take and view on the subject that i tried to back it up with facts, you can check those out yourself.

      Ans again i was not talking about liking or disliking i was talking about the extreme fan base the hate, vicious bashing and constant attacks. while parsing a guy for game that someone else made or created.

      Let’s just say you’re wise to stick to gaming website, things are different on social media and forums. i’d like you ot join one of those and let’s talk about it a year later from now and see what changed….again and again and gain i’m aiming (and always did ) to the majority of the old fan base , the fact that you’re an old school gamer it doesn’t mean that you’re one of them (them as the targeted majority of the fans bashing the games on daily basis ) you should join some of these group and see for yourself , you mighjt even ditch gaming as a whole because of them lol

      Liked by 2 people

      • Tip: I don’t always mean literally everything I say, you ought to know that after so many years. 🙂 So when I say: “you even attacked the FF VII characters”, yeah on a first level, I think it was a harsh statement, but don’t worry, I won’t lose my sleep for Cloud. What i really meant was that you were carried away in a needlessly aggresive blog against that Sakaguchi guy, against the fans, “you even attacked the FF VII characters”. Read it in that context.

        As for the FF VII case, eventhough it was already incredibly popuilar in the 90s, the FF VII-craze started because of two factors, in my opinion: The big boom of the internet in the early 2000s and the fact that next games slowly began to feel inferior in comparison. The Crisis Core game added a lot to the FF VII mythos, but I don’t think FF VII is what it is today because of that game.

        Liked by 1 person

    • @rheinmetall1 Please keep in mind that this is just a copy of an article i posted on social media (to target the RIGHT audience and encounter some of their BS ) it was never meant for Fuse, i’d never even compare you guys to the likes of these wannabes, Fuse is a group of true avid gamers who appreciates gaming, we’re bad ass XD

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah I thought you were provoked by somebody. But that’s not the important, either way I’m interested in this “FF VII battle”, I see it as a nice case study of the internet hostility and I try to comprehend it it as a wider phenmenon. Of course I’m also part of this debate, so I can’t be neutral, or objective. So myself is part of this case study too.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Well i don’t think you count since the whole topic was about the fandom, i don’t see you as one of them, you are your own kinda gamer. you love old school and retros it;s your play style.

          As for the fan base you don’t wanna get in the middle trust me! they will eat you alive!! you can set and watch them fight like all day long, then lose your zest for gaming all together.

          The hate man it’s unbelievable. for example and i think @nightcrawlerash can back me up on this one since she’s been following FFXV since like day one. FFXV has more content than ANY AAA game ever released, don’t forget about all the free episodes and updates SE gave away for free. But then the fanboys overlooked all these facts and kept nagging and complaining about HOW greedy SE for selling those DLCs (but not one mention about all the free stuff they got during and after release ) then comes the worst kind to portray the scene as if SE CUT OFF parts of the main story to sell them later on as DLC BS and utter crap!! the game has over 100 hours of gameplay you need at least 40 to finish the story if you’re that good and the story ended there’s no sequels. If that was the case and if I was like in charge, i would have kept the Platinum demo (aka prologue) for myself hidden then a year later just SELL IT to the crazy ungrateful haters as a paid DLC. it’s my work i spent MONEY and resources on it and i have the right to offer it for sell, i would’ve done the same with the other free episodes and offer them as separate DLCs not FREE PATCHES AND UPDATES to the ungraceful haters THERE’S NO pleasing the haters. haters gonna hate!. all i’m saying is the HATE and shit is not justified or supported with any logical crap,
          This is how i view the scene … I’M A MAN CHILD I HATE YOU FOR MAKING THE GAME LOOKS DIFFERENT than the once i grew up playing i hate you daddy sorry i hate you SE! its all what it is really.

          I mean you can check out all the facts i stated in this blog for yourself. and that unfair crap with Sakaguchi
          he’s no hero, he’s the one you should be hating and blaming for all the changes , he was the one who left and almost brought the company to its knees. SE is the shareholder NOT THE GAME MAKER. SE is not the dev behind Tomb Raider or Hitman their respective original devs ARE, SE owns the rights yes, but all they did they gave them the platform, engines,proper marketing they needed. there are some tons of videos for IO and Crystal Dynamics SE has no influence there, i don’t think the CEO even got the time to check on these games or play any of them. that’s why they brought the entire team and mad it “crystal” clear that they’re not gonna interfere with their work. i mean what do you think of the new Hitman without SE? it’s looks like the exact average Hitamn games to me BUT without the shiny graphics and cinematics. IO were always a mediocre Dev who’s incapable of growing or moving forward. i was never a huge fan of the oldest games (enjoyed Blood Money for a bit but that was it for me) Absolution was more enjoyable to me because it has a rather more emotional story to it.

          I don’t give crap about SE holders or CEO i don’t even remember his name tbh . i’m just sad and heartbroken, it’s not how you treat an old legendary veterans based on technicalities (these poor artists never owned any of the shit even back in the day when we used to call them Square Soft ) they’re always the hard working true and faithful to their fans, it’s easy to sit and judge me on sites like GS and IGN, but it’s different when you follow them personally, all they wanted is to please you you all, and find the space to explore and invent and influence and it’s not crime. but they’re treated like criminals.

          Tabata is leaving ..memes already speaking like a wild fire . they hated the guy, he took on himself some of the hardest impossible tasks with project FFXV to the Luminous studio and did his absolute best,

          When i speak i speak in general to the outside world not Fuse or you guys, we’re a very selective group of gamers, like true freaking gamers who appreciates the craft and the artistry behind it. Don’t take it personally and don’t put yourself in that same place. you are a gamer, they are nothing but a whinny haters.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Okay, here is how I understand the term: “personal”.
            1) If I write: “First Reality XXV is a great game”, that is not personal at all to anyone.

            2) If I say: “First Reality XXV is a great game and only whinny old schcool fan boys of First Reality XIV can’t appreciate it, because they are spoilled brats, they have no life and they have a foul breath” 🙂 etc, then there is a strong possibility that someone who belongs in one of those two groups (the group of those who don’t like FR XXV, or the group of FRXIV fans, or worse they are in both groups) might take it personally, even if I didn’t have in mind that person when I wrote it.

            Now, “personal” when the whole discussion is about games, doesn’t mean a war, or hatred, at least for me, but it is something that I might feel the need to answer. Some times, because some times might not answer at all. In a reasonable manner always. That’s all. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            • I’m glad you did, it’s not easy to write about something and not trigger anything, ill keep that in mind. Still. i don;t think you belong to any of these groups. first it’s no about liking or disliking a certain game , it’s about how the majority of the old fans are treating these respectful artists with nothing but hate and prejudice. these people (that you might not came across yet ) since you kept your gaming-distance restricted to certain (rather serious) gaming sites, are the enemy here. remember how i used to say (and repeat ) that SE should close their forums and blog down, turn off the interment and make their games on their own? because there’s no way in hell that you can find the right formula to please them all, and even that the old fan base are the bitter ones, but the guys insist on showing and demonstrating respect and loyalty to their old fans either way (even though they’re out numbered ) plus it’s not how it works, they’re risking it by just by trying to please the old fans (which are the main reason behind all the hate waves and war unleashed against them in the first place ) and survive in this industry.

              Tabata obviously lost his job for a reason here, he took upon himself one of the MOST controversial impossible tasks and did an amazing job, in result he became like the public enemy number one, and an easy target to some whinny ass old fans. they’re laughing right now all over FB, twitter and YouTube , the guy did the impossible to please them while he should’ve said FUCK OFF! but he didn’t he was so kind and understanding, open forums, polls, surveys tell me what you need people! but instead they kept making fun of him. i really admire the new generation that embraced the series with open arms, they’re so confused right now(reading all the shit coming form the older generation of gamers) , but apparently nostalgia is how we evaluate a story, character design and gamely mechanics these days.

              The FF series was BORN to be different to push and explore limits, it’s hard for many to adjust to every game it’s understandable (not for me personally and i’m not crazy about every FF game ever released, i’m crazy about 5 of them and i think you can guess which)

              I just hate when grownups act like a child, i mean go there stand right in front of these old icons and tell them they’re full of shit and they know nothing about their craft, say it to their old tiered faces.

              One of EA employees and in a reply to some journalist (during an interview regarding the microtransacation thingy) said: Well old fans can go and fuck themselves, our monthly revenue has increased drastically and that’s how we run our business if you don’t like it don’t play it we’re not forcing you to do anything (you can google it and read the whole interview )

              These guys even with all the bad treatment, shit and pressure remained loyal and honest, they’re suffering because they gave the microphone to the wrong audience imo.

              Even though i belong to that same era the same as you and other old fans, but i do understand. and i’m still fascinated by the work they have done. even though FFXIII and Type 0 are not my cup of tea, but i can’t just turn a blind eye and ignore all the efforts there, I didn’t feel the same emotions nor enthusiasm playing FFXIII the same way i did playing VII to X. but that doesn’t make VII any better or XIII the worst game ever.

              What we like/dislike is totally subjective, like taste.and we are allowed to do so. People can lose integrity(and objectivity) anytime they are asked a difficult question, integrity can be very difficult because it can involve speaking truth at great personal cost, or recognizing an ugly truth about ourselves and taking action to address it. it requires courage, to get past the fear of loss of status or self-image, to do the right thing. I’ve been given hell/attacked on personal level for years (you were there) just for standing up to what i believe to be the truth here. It was never easy 🙂


  3. I feel the same, Final Fantasy is such a diverse series as far as stories, gameplay, and feel goes, understandable that there are gonna be games that speak more to others, and some that don’t. We are so beyond the point of reasonable argument of what is and isn’t a true FF game anymore. I mean the only reasonable argument on any objective level is that the series has evolved on so many levels in so many different ways that the only thing that makes an FF game is really an emphasis on story and the similar themes used throughout the franchise.

    There currently seems to be a lot of extreme hatred towards the recent releases particularly FFXV, which I don’t understand. While people are obviously entitled to their opinions, the negativity some fans have for FFXV is exhausting because it often comes without a legitimate reason or logical support.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well i was more like stating the current stats of the characters back in the day compared to the updated version of each character and i was right.(not FFVII fault) i don’t really remember Cloud being nearly as popular today, but what i was implying to is that technology is not that bad and helped the creators add more depth to these characters, and if you really think that my approach was aggressive, then you should really take a look at those groups and forums. I’m standing up, fighting for what’s right, for the right cause and the right people unlike the crazy fanboys who trashes these good people on daily basis while parsing some egoist former member *just because he was there when it;s called Square Soft …it’s a kinda retarded don’t you think? lol ) he left them dangling and failed to do anything special (his best exclusive sold around 900.000 copies which is pathetic compared to the lowest selling modern FF games ever released. Is that how biased people major success base on the enemy of my enemy nonsense? do you have any idea how the community treated that guy? like a GOD who can do nothing wrong. all is left to to pend-over.to the guy.

      To sum things up in few words, i’m fighting against what you call BEING UNFAIR and biased. FFVII is a great RPG for the PS1 but to say it’s better than XV and that XV is trash it’s a bit retarded because the first question comes to mind better….in what STANDARD or aspect?

      I’ve been given hell for trying to be hones and objective for the past 10 years. you know the rest of the story,and @bigcid77 btw that person he just got his own PS4 and he still haven’t played FFXV , yet he sided with his besties against me 2 years ago mocking SE for what they did to a game that he haven’t even played…yet and here’s to 2018 🙂 These “people” are used to generate and evaluate evidence in a manner biased toward their own opinions.

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      • Let’s make things clear once and for all, i’m not defending SE ow those who owns the company, i;m defending the good people who’s been working hard for 30 years and still giving. It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation…


  4. Honestly, the fact that the series has changed so much over time means this fandom is very divided. There can be a lot of arguments.This actually made me take a break for a full year at one time. It just got tiring.
    Some annoying lines and things I come across
    “FF is dead after X” “XIII sucks” “Hope is annoying” “XV sucks” “You’re not a real FF fan if you played the recent FF titles” “FFVI and other older FF games is superior to the rest of the games”
    Overall this is a decent fanbase but it sure is plagued by nostalgia fanboys

    Liked by 2 people

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