A guide for using the Classic block in the block editor

Since apparently WP changed to the new block editor and discarded the classic editor, some seem confused about the new editor. To achieve results  similar to the classic editor, here is a quick guide, I hope it helps.



And that’s it. The interface of the classic block is similar to the old editor. Just do your whole post in the classic block. I hope this helps.

Prince of Persia “remake” announced

Prince of Persia “remake” has been announced.  I used to  love the game back in the day. It seems more of a remaster though, but maybe they are calling it a remake because they probably had to redesign some parts because the game is kinda old at this point. I wonder if Ubisoft are testing the waters before reviving it. Ubisoft used to be one of my favourite devs and I used to buy many of their games but I didn’t buy any Assassin’s Creed games after AC3 since the game drifted away from its original vision for me and it was what I originally liked about AC (my favourite AC is the first one.  My opinion is, of course, one of the least popular opinions but there’s a reason for that that would take time to explain.) I wanna give Black Flag a go some time and have been thinking about buying the trilogy of games that were released after 3 but I can’t say I’m really interested in any ones after that, because, tbh, I have a huge backlog and there are many good RPG and open world games out there that I haven’t played yet so I see no reason to play AC games that are basically open world RPG.

New Old Member

First Flame to be kindled!

Hello everyone!! I’m Saddevil. I used to be a member of this prestigious group years ago. Last time I had the privilege of engaging with you fine folks was at the end of 2014. I remember it till this day. One fine member of the group was writing a blog about Doom series back then on GI and asked me for my contribution which I sadly couldn’t submit to him before he finished his blog that got published on GI because, well, because my life kind of collapsed…

Since that time, and for years, things haven’t been really good for me. Almost everything in my life collapsed. During all those years I played video games but not as much as usually did before that, I also stopped engaging with the world of gaming for most of that time.

During that time, I thought a lot about this group from the days I engaged heavily with the gaming world. Since then, lots of things changed in the gaming industry, and the world; and I can’t say it has been for better, in my opinion.

After lots of work, I have managed to turn my life around somehow, and I finally managed to improve my situation.

I’m writing this, not just as introduction to myself, but as something else as well…

We gamers, that have passion for games, games mean something for us more than a hobby to kill time, it’s part of who we are.

Many of us have played video games for years and years, but at the same time, we also have our real life, and our real issues, and sometimes, they take us away from our passion, gaming.

At times like these, it can feel like we are lonely, and on our own, especially because for many of us gaming was mostly a solitary hobby, since before every game was turned into a short-living multiplayer mode that’s a cash cow for its company rather than a real creative product.

The thing that I have come to realise through out the years though is that I’m not on my own actually, my fellow gamers have their own real life issues as well. I grow up, they grow up. I get distracted, they get distracted. I feel worn out, they feel worn, but what unites us in the end is a real passion for gaming, it’s not just something we fancied at one point in time, but a real passion.

That realisation helped me a lot, because sometimes, especially these days, it can feel as if things are moving quickly and that one is missing out, and the sad thing is that many gaming companies turned their products into bland, generic products that seem to come off an industrial conveyor belt.

Because of that, I’m writing this hoping that it will give anyone who reads hope that there’s light by the end of the tunnel and that a real passion for gaming is a fire that’s always burning even when we drift away from it.

I want to finish this by wishing you all well, and warning you that I’ll be going now to revive old posts and give my opinion on everything I set my eyes upon on this site! You have been warned!