And the 2019 Fallout 76 award goes to…….

Ok–before we get ahead of ourselves I know a few are asking “what the fuck is a “fallout 76″ award? And why, in mid 2020, are we issuing a award for last year”? Those are valid questions and concerns and I can see you trying to scrutinize my face trying to look for a clue.

How many of you remember the Bethesda Press conference from 2018 at E3? Let’s see a raise of hands please….20-40–6–no 80–Ok about 85% of the audience remember’s that. As you should.

As you should in that it was almost a perfect display of what and how a presentation should be. ( I give – points for Pete Hines being there and part of it as he is just an top tier asshole!) I wrote of it here. I said Todd Howard is the new Jack Trenton, the man who so flawlessly presented Sony’s PC for years! It was near perfect, in execution, in timing, in delivery, in humor, and in coolness! Google Alaxa playing Skyrim was brilliant.

And yet, as we look back at that Conference now and realize the lies that were told, and repeated in interviews after the event, then told again that our opinion of that presentation sours and we are left with a bad taste in our mouths. Cool leather jacket or not!

And that brings us to Fallout 76!!! The most disastrous game of 2018 and more than likely 2019 as it was still bring pushed on a unassuming audience as being of worth! I often think of the “lipstick on a pig” analogy when I think of it. Bethesda can market it in a pink, violet, aqua, lavender or purple box and the content inside is still shit! The gamer has been suckered into buying pink rubbish!

So—-what gets the Fallout 76 award for “Most hyped and most disappointing and under performing game of 2019”? (besides –well…you know)

This is an award we can only offer in hindsight after we have got to play or experience the game. And TBH not many disappointed on that level!

Lets start with Rage 2-a game I said would fail and fail badly. That I repeated all over fuse, twitter, and tumblr. Not only was it the game that Pete Hines introduced (that should say something!) but they use a AndrewWK song intro to it that was 6 YEARS OLD! Many disagreed with my assessment-even on here saying ” it was NOT Bethesda” . I know that but it makes no fucking difference, their name is on the box and not all buyers are avid gamers. It had a two goods weeks, a nice short run and then–where was it? Where was the hype,, the excitement, the videos lauding it???? I’m waiting……………………………………..

Ok-there just was none and that game was the sacrificial lamb that failed BECAUSE OF FALLOUT 76!!!

Next is Bloodstained–a lovely Castlevania remake of sorts. This irritated me as it reinforced to me that many gamers are no more than haters, bigots, misogynists, and homo and transphobes. Heaven forbid a game should have female characters that used to be men! Maybe if the industry since it inception in 1978 had been fair to women and in every aspect we would not have this shit we have now. But it failed because of the bigots, haters and so on. If that hits too close home I’m sorry but I don’t fucking care.

I’d love to see Cloud and Barrett as females and Tifa and Aerith as males! THAT–I’d actually buy! This money grabbing remake?? No way!!

And while there is another that fits this category I’m leaving it our as it does not quite meet all the criteria.

So…was it Nioh2?? The Surge 2??? Elder Scrolls Online Elsweyr? What about Dollhouse and Left Alive? Anthem? Many expected something else…

No–the winner by far is ………………………….@start3rpack cue the trumpets, @matastig get the dancing girls on stage.. @brendonc88 make sure the wine coolers are avails for celebration.


Nothing else comes close to this embarrassment! Everything, except for the guns and the handling, the feel and sound of them is wrong. Yes there is interplanetary travel and that is cool but I can do that in The Outer Worlds.

7 years have passed between Borderlands 2 and this embarrassment. THIS—is the best they can do??? Are you fucking kidding me?? Ans stop-I’m not blaming Randy Pitchford for this–not entirely-this was a fuckup by the entire staff of gearbox.

I would love to wrote of all the things that are crap about this game but I’m not Syler and I’m not going to ruin it for you. But if you go into it expecting what borderlands 1 and 2 were you will be greatly disappointed! If yuo expect FUN–abnd a coll run and gun game–this is NOT it! This release will NOT last in popularity as the previous game did. FFS–the DLC is even ADVERTISED in the game!!!

I’ve seen some post 90 minute vids of all that is wrong with this game, I’m not watching them but they are there.

If you just played the demo the fine. Leave it at that and have a good memory of it. If not just give me your $70 dollars.

I have a box of matches that can burn your money just as easily as you would by buying this–the 2019 Fallout 76 piece of utter crap winner.

6 thoughts on “And the 2019 Fallout 76 award goes to…….

    • Teh problen-namely with id software but also Avalance is that id still thinks it’s 1992 and everyone will buy tons of whatever garbage they release. Id’s days of inspiration are long gone. And it’s not just john Romero;s fault but he did make them money before he burned out with Daikatana which was garbage.

      No one listened when I said rage 2 would bomb and why it would.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I rather dislike the man myself as i see him as a disgusting and revolting person but I’m not so sure how much input he had in the making of this. But morally and ethically he is bankrupt.

      Liked by 1 person

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